Actualising Individual &
Group Achievement
Dr John Gibson & Associates
Chartered Psychologists
Counselling and psychotherapy
Career, life and executive coaching
Organisational & cultural development
Ptofessional training in counselling & coaching
For appointments:
Telephone +44 (0)7368 800 849
Email admin@optimisedlife.org
Golden Cross House, 8 Duncannon Street,
London WC2N 4JF
Is there more to life? The answer for most of us is probably an unqualified ‘yes’! We all have aspects of our life that could be further developed. But how?
Emergence was designed to enrich our experience and enjoyment of life. It's a radical new personal growth and development programme created with you in mind. Over 25 fortnightly sessions, Emergence takes you through each of the major life dimensions, reviewing and re-invigorating.
For further information please contact admin@optimisedlife.org.
© 2023