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Books to inspire, encourage & transform
Simon John Gibson
Would you like to make more of your mind?
Do you know the keys to greater psychological fitness and well being?
What are the personal development insights that every coach, counsellor, manager, and mental health professional needs to know?
In this practical self-help guide, psychologist Dr Simon John Gibson, originator of Life Theme Analysis, explores the steps to greater psychological health and wholeness.
Simon John Gibson
If you want …
…to understand yourselfand others better
…to be the bestperson you can be
…to answer yourquestions about God
…to know why badthings happen
…to discover a spiritualpsychology
…to be able toface death without fear
…to own aroad-map for the soul
…to give realhelp to others
…to know thegreatest love of all
This book is for you.
In this unique guidebookfor the soul, the Rev’d. Dr. John Gibson, originator ofLife Theme Psychology and founder of Reach The World, describesthe action of God’s healing love in the restoration of humanity.
Simon John Gibson
Starting each day with Jesus is one of the great keys to successful living. Whatever the day holds, there's no finer preparation than a briefing from Heaven! This book is designed to help you start each day well and make each day count.It includes a helpful outline for prayer at the start of the day that will fit even the busiest life! Also, a series of inspirational readings that take only seconds to read, one for each day of the year. Finally, there's a Bible reading plan, either to dip into, or to read the whole Bible in a year
Simon John Gibson
If you are longing for a closer walk with Jesus, this is a book for you!Jesus died to bring us into a personal relationship with the Father, and yet too many believers lack the experience of walking and talking with Jesus each day, or have only known this occasionally. In this book we seek to put that right by teaching you how to listen to God and hear Him every day of your life. We call this the way of Heaven, the highest way of all.
It’s time to live your full life with Jesus. Don’t settle for less.
© 2023